Well, September is over. The brutal heat of Summer has given way to the slightly lesser heat of Autumn, so I know it is past time to update the blog. We did so much this Summer that it would take far too long to recap everything, and nobody has time to read all that. I will attempt to synopsize everything using only pictures and the ancient Japanese poetic art of Haiku.
Disney trip in May
Six Proctors made memories.
Tourists everywhere.

Sam is FOUR, not three.
Anna dances beautifully.
Matt feeds family.
Drought claims backyard tree.
'Fam likes beach, kayak for me.
Cousins from Indy.
Hilton Head, last trip
before Anna started school.
Where did five years go!?
We are older now.
But surprise, we still party
and eat awesome cake.
guest post by Matt
-Next time I won't blog on muscle relaxers. I promise.