Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's Up With The Proctors?

Well, let's see...
There aren't any pictures to post because we have done nothing! Well, nothing worth documenting on film at least! We got home last week after spending three weeks away from home. Friends were actually calling me to ask if we had moved away and not told anyone! Mom came back with us and helped put some of the Christmas gifts away and clean the house. After months of feeling less than excited about cooking and cleaning, and then being away- the dirt had piled up! She left too soon and I was on my own. After three weeks of having help this was a bit of an adjustment for me! On Thursday afternoon Anna came down with what our pediatrician named "The Diarrhea Virus". Oh yes, it is as fun as it sounds. I have never seen, nor do I hope to see again, a diaper rash that bad! Four days and about a hundred dirty diapers later- we are well again. Poor Anna- I know she wasn't having fun either.
This weekend we are finally getting out and going to Luke's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe how fast these kids are growing! If someone had told me at his 1st birthday last year (as I was waddling around) that I would be halfway through a second pregnancy at his 2nd party- I would have laughed in their face!
Anyway, we will take pictures this weekend I am sure, so check back later!


jmattbr said...

Done nothing!? Perhaps the blog-reading public would like to hear about our exciting weekend of putting things away in the attic. F-U-N!

Jessica said...

I'm laughing at your husband's comment right now! We are glad you guys are back and Anna is well! We will see you this weekend, if not before!