Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Second Child

Dear Second Child,
Just because we are 30 weeks pregnant and have no furniture, clothing, diapers, or ANY other things that babies should have for you- doesn't mean we don't love you. We do!! Daddy and I work best under pressure, and I promise you will NOT come home naked to an empty nursery. Well, that isn't entirely true- the nursery could be empty, but you WILL have a bed in Mommy and Daddy's room! Your furniture is on back order and will be here in 8-10 weeks, which is exactly how long we have, so no worries right? Anyway, they give you an outfit and a blanket in the hospital so we have something...



Kari said...

I guess that is why 2nd children act the way they do huh? No offense Jessie!!!

Rachel said...

Can I copy and paste this letter to our #2 baby?!? I laughed so hard when I read this...probably only because it's so true!

Sarah said...

Ha! I'm cracking up at you! I say perfect timing!!!

Jessica said...

HA! I love it! Thanks Kari :)

Craig'O said...

Those "hospital issue" digs will make great photos!! --Steph

Matthew, Nikki, Luke and Lily said...

You crack me up! It is so absolutely true.