Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Miss Anna

Things we love about Anna:

  • She talks ALL DAY LONG!
  • We have NO IDEA what she is saying most of the time!
  • She clearly calls for Mommy or Daddy, and we love to hear her call our name.
  • She can point out her ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, knees, shoulders, toes, and belly.
  • BUT, if she is ever on your lap and points out your nose and says "nose"-CLOSE YOUR EYES because the next thing she will do is poke you in each eye and whisper "Eyes, eyes" it is hilarious!
  • If she stands at the back door and says "Two" she wants to you count to three so she can run across the room.
  • She has a book with a picture of a toothbrush in it and she points to it and yells "butt"...we are working on that!
  • When she wants you to pick her up she says "up ado"
  • When you ask her to say please she says "peas stop it" probably because all day long I say "Please stop it!"
  • If Sam is sleeping I close his door. If Anna sees it is closed she walks up to it, looks at me with her finger to her mouth and says "shhh, shhh"...and then runs down the hall screaming. I have to give her credit for trying!
  • The girl can DANCE!!
  • She loves to see her friend Guke. Some people may pronounce it Luke, but to her he is Guke.
  • If she sees a baby she says "Babies!" Even though it is usually ONE baby.

There are so many other things she does that crack us up, but I can't think of all of them. I just wanted to get these down so I could tell her about them one day.


jmattbr said...

I like how she asks for a "cook-cook" (aka cookie) just before every meal.

Kari said...

You forgot to say how she asks for her Nanny all the time. Ha.

What a precious little girl she is?

Love her bunches,

Jessica said...

I LOVE IT!!! Too funny, I was laughing out loud reading these! My favorite is the "shhhh" and screaming in the hall!

Matthew, Nikki, Luke and Lily said...

She cracks me up! I love that you posted all these - they're not things you would necessarily write down in a baby book, but they are definitely ones you want to remember.