Friday, April 9, 2010

Anna Banana

Anna and I were in the car today killing time while the house showed. Well, it was supposed to be showing, but that is another story! Anyway, she was talking to me and it dawned on me that we have conversations! Don't get me wrong- I realize she has been talking for a long time. But every now and then she initiates conversation, and it hits me- I made that! She is my daughter, and there she sits talking to me! WOW! What she said wasn't earth shattering, but I'll share it anyway for those of you still reading...

"Mommy, do you see those birds? Right there, right there!"

"Yes, Anna I see them"

"Those are yucky, yucky birds, right Mommy?"

I laughed and said yes. The reason she says that is because the parking lot of the grocery store I frequent has these black disgusting birds everywhere. They scare me, and I jump when I see them so I told her once they were yucky. Ever since then every bird we see is a "yucky, yucky bird". She has an excellent memory!

Other frequent phrases and Annaisms...

She pats Sams back and says "Anna's a gooooood sister!"
Sam cries and she shakes her head and says "poor Sam"
Thanks to Mimi she now uses the phrase "you're a hot mess!" I'll never forget the look on my Dad's face when she told him that!
My mom is coming this weekend and Anna has said several times that when Mimi comes she will blow bubbles with Anna. I hope Mimi brings bubbles!

No pictures for now. I will post some soon.


SassyMama said...

So cute!
Right now the conversations in our house are unintelligible. At least on one side. Their side, in case you were wondering:)