Last week we went on our family vacation to Gulf Shores, AL. We had a blast and did NOT want to come home! These pictures are out of order, but I thought it appropriate to start with our best family photo. Go ahead and zoom in. It's priceless :)

Daddy and Anna flying a kite. Anna got to hold the string, she loved it!

The state park about four miles down was on fire for the first few days we were there. This was a picture of it when it was "under control". I wasn't so sure!

Anna had her goggles and was ready to swim. She and Sam put on their floaties every day and swam their hearts out. They were little fish!

Building sand castles with Daddy and Aunt Jessie.
Oh MY GOODNESS! I am laughing so hard right now! I love how that was the "best" family photo! You crack me up! Glad you guys had a good time and thanks for all your scouting and tips! :)
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