Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Now I Can Have a Knife...

There are so many things I need to blog about, but lately Sam has been doing and saying some things that need documenting!

His latest obsession is with being a "Big Boy". So we were eating out a while back and as usual he was grabbing at EVERYTHING on the table. He grabbed the knife and we of course took it from him and explained that knives are dangerous and he would have to be a big boy before he could have one at the table. Fast forward a few weeks and he comes up to me one day out of the blue and says, "Mommy, I a big boy?" I tell him yes, he is a big boy. Then I use that opportunity to explain that soon as a big boy he will go on the potty, and sleep in a big boy bed, and all kinds of fun big boy stuff. He then smiles hugely and says to me, "Mommy, I big boy...I can hab knife!" I thought it was pretty smart of him to remember that and put it together. I also found it a little scary...
He reminds us that he is a big boy and should have a knife every few days. Don't worry we aren't handing one over anytime soon :)

He is also a terrible dancer, and he loves to dance! I have yet to get it on video.

He eats chicken nuggets, and that is pretty much the only regular in his diet. Everything else is hit or miss.

He has no fear.

He climbs everything. EVERYTHING. And if there is something he can't reach he drags a kitchen chair over to it, or stacks things high enough to climb and reach.

He is sweet, and I hear several times a day, "I lub you Mommy!" If Anna hurts herself he always checks to make sure she is ok, he loves his big sis!

Anna and Sam are loving their playroom and I am enjoying listening to them play up there and talk to each other. They are best buds.


Jessica said...

That is really smart for him to remember that you said that about the knife! Too funny!