Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to School

Not interested AT ALL in taking a picture for his first day of school because "I NOT go to cool!".

The kids have gone back to MDO this year! Anna is LOVING it. Sam not so much. He cries every time I drop him off and I get a phone call about thirty minutes prior to pick up time from his teacher. It is the same story, he cried on and off, didn't want to participate, and it would be a good idea if I was the first mom there to pick him up! I'm hoping he gets over it soon, but he is stubborn so we will see :)

I will say for a little boy who sits in the corner and cries and refuses to participate- he sure is breaking out the new songs, and nursery rhymes at the dinner table! He cracks us up because he knows all the words, and does hand motions for it all. I wish his teachers could see THAT because I'm pretty sure they would be shocked!

Aside from school we have not been up to much. This week we are fighting a stomach virus that is working it's way through the family. Hopefully that will be over soon!