Friday, March 16, 2012

Anna Keeps Us Laughing...

As usual this week, both kids have been entertaining Matt and I with the funny things they say. I just wanted to get some of these down before I forget...

At the dinner table the other night:

Anna: "I have a daughter."
Me: "Oh really? What is her name?"
Anna: "Delilah"
Me: "Well, I'm way too young to be a Grandma, so those words better not come out of your mouth for another 20 some years!"
Anna: "You're too young to be a Grandma?"

In the Wal-Mart parking lot the other day:

Anna: screaming at the top of her lungs-" OOOOH Mommy, look, a SEAL, I see a SEAL!!!"
Me: "Umm...that's a bird."
Anna: " Oh, well, it looked like a seal."