Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anna SMILES!!!...Sorta.

We bought a new camera yesterday because our old one malfunctioned (Matt broke it.), so this morning we decided to try out the new video function. We thought it might be a good idea to share Anna's new trick...smiling. Here's Anna's first acting role: Anna Claire as Anna Claire...

Okay, so her acting debut had a small hitch. The next one is a little bit better. There's progress to be made, but we're getting there.


Sarah said...

I almost fell over laughing at that first one...too funny. The child who was once her mama's "mini me" is no longer...she's turning into the girl version of daddy!!! : ) I love to watch them change. These are so cute!

Kari said...

Love it. She is just too cute and growing way to fast. I agree, she is starting to look more and more like Daddy. Still can't figure out how or what looks like it, but I see more and more Matt.

Love you Anna, and Miss You.
Nanny Kari