Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One Month!

I can't believe Anna Claire is one month old today! Here she is on the quilt that our good friend Carrie made for her. We spent the day at Nikki's house. I don't have pictures of that- you'll have to check out Kinley's blog for those! Anna was asleep in Luke's room for most of it so there aren't many pictures of her. And when we got home...

RETALIATION!!!! After spending a nice day with our friends Anna and I arrived home to find this in the dining room on the floor. I'm pretty sure we left it in the family room on the coffee table! Shelby, our dog, has finally decided to voice her opinion about our new addition to the family by chewing up Anna's favorite pacifier! I hope this is the only thing she destroys. There aren't many other items that belong to Anna that I could forgive her for destroying.