Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tyler Texas

This weekend we went on a little vacation. We went to Hot Springs with Jessica and Ryan, Sarah and Jarrod. We left Thursday afternoon and stopped in Tyler, TX for the night. We stayed at Ryan's parent's house. The van was VERY full, but we made it work. There were four adults, 2 babies, and a dog in the car!

Anna's "How long am I going to be in this seat?" face!

Kinley in her car seat, ready to go.

Kirby (the dog) wanted to sit in the car seat with Kinley!

We spent the day at the Coleman's house and there were pretty bad storms in the area. At one point the sirens went off so we decided to put the kids in a safe place in the house. Here they are in the laundry room. Kinley is about to eat and Anna gets to watch! I was very disappointed with the weather. I was hoping to get to go to Canton for a few hours while we waited for Jarrod and Sarah to get there!

Kinley explains to Anna how to roll over.

She was rolling from her stomach to back on the ottoman. It could have just been because it was curved a little, but I think it won't be long before Anna is a rolly polly!