Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baton Rouge Pictures

Last week Anna and I were in Baton Rouge for the week to visit friends and family. I didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few...

Anna hanging out in her crib.

Anna LOVES the mobile in the crib at Mom and Dad's house. She laughs and smiles at it when I put her in the crib.

Didi came to see Anna on Wednesday. We had a nice relaxing visit that day, and I got to go get a pedicure while they watched Anna that afternoon!

On Saturday we went to church with Mr. Mitch and Ms. Gabi and then went back to their house for dinner. They made Crawfish Delish, fried crawfish, and mom and I made crawfish in crescent rolls (I don't know the name of it, but it was good!). Here is Aunt Jessie entertaining Anna while the chefs cook!

Anna chills out with Mr. Mitch.

Mimi and Anna.


Jessica said...

I love the pic of her smiling in the crib! Glad you guys had fun!