Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Anna Outplanks Daddy!

So, baby girl is over trying to crawl. Now she gets up on her feet and hands. Not her hands and knees. She does this ALL DAY. I am starting to get nervous. I am not sure she will crawl at all...what if she just walks around on her hands and feet? That is going to look a little strange. She will have abs of steel. I can barely do one plank and she can do them for hours.

Daddy does planks with Anna. A little father-daughter bonding if you will.

Uh oh, where did Daddy go?

"Ha! Daddy is tired so now he takes pictures of me."

"I could do this all night, this is nothin."


Amanda said...

That is HILARIOUS. Love the chub legs! :) She is one silly baby...pioneering a new way of getting around and all!

Kari said...

Where are the pics of mommy and Anna doing planks together? That I want to see. Too cute, just I just love that girl.

Jessica said...

WOW - She is sooooo strong, she is going to crawl really soon! Can't wait to see her little plank performance tomorrow!