Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tropical Storm Edouard Party/Playdate

I only have 2 pictures from yesterday. We got together for a playdate while Edouard blew through. I'm glad we had company instead of having to sit around and watch the rain!

Luke decided to sit IN the bucket of toys, and kind of got stuck!

We have 2 slings, one LSU (Go Tigers!), and one that Jessica made. Since Anna is bigger now I wanted the girls to show me how to sling her on my hip. Rachel, being the fashionable woman that she is, showed me how to use it as a sling, AND a scarf. Who knew?


Sarah said...

okay, Anna looks completely different in the pictures below!!! She's growing up MUCH too fast...she's so cute and I can't believe how much blond hair she has now!!! that a dining room table that I spy in one of those pictures??? Do tell...and show...

Amanda said...

My free day off of work turned into me sleeping in until 10:30! Otherwise I so woulda crashed the tropical storm party! So glad y'all had a fun day together! :)

Jessica said...

Rachel was HILARIOUS!