Anna flies with Daddy.
Uncle Monkey (don't ask), Aunt Sarah, Jenn, Matt
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Anna's First Christmas
On Christmas Eve we were in Baton Rouge. We opened presents with my family in the morning and then headed over to the Proctor's for presents, Church, and then Proctor Family Christmas that night. It was a busy day of opening presents and visiting with family.
Posted by Jenn at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Today we packed to go to Mimi and Poppy's house before we head out to Ohio. Anna insisted on being in the suitcase. She is too cute to say no!
Posted by Jenn at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
What a Week
Well, let's see where to begin?? Monday was an okay day.
Tuesday I took Anna shopping to get some last minute presents and when I got home I didn't feel so well. That night I woke up with the dreaded stomach virus. Matt had to stay home Wednesday to take care of Anna. Sometime in the mid morning hours he pops his head in the room to say "The water is off, don't flush." Umm...Eww? Thankfully it came back sooner rather than later!
Thursday I get myself together to bring Anna for her checkup and flu shot- Matt calls from work to say he is on his way home and not feeling well. Uh oh! We got home and sure enough he was in bed.
Friday I head back out to run errands and notice we have signs in the neighborhood saying "boil water until further notice". Hmm...I wonder how long that was up- you know since I have been feeding my daughter tap water in her bottles and all!! So I add water to the Target list and keep going. I get to Target and open the car door to get Anna out and she is covered guessed it-puke. GREAT!! It just wouldn't be right if the whole family didn't get it right? I think she is ok, she hasn't done it since then and is sleeping soundly thank goodness! So, anyway there are no pictures this week except the one Matt chose of him with the flu...
Have a great weekend everyone! We are going to Ohio for a few days to see family (I can't wait!!). So, hopefully there will be lots of pics to share after the holidays...
Posted by Jenn at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Girls Night Out...or is it??
Tonight we had a surprise baby shower for two of our friends Jess and Nikki. It was disguised as a "Girls Night Out". We had a lot of fun and it was so great to be able to shower our friends with gifts.

Here is everyone!
Here are all of the preggos that were there. From right to left we have: Rachel due in August; Kimberly due in July; Steph due in June with me; Jess due in February; Nikki due in January; and Amanda due Christmas Day (or sooner we hope!). Lots of babies to add to the playgroup and I know we still will have lots more babies to add in the future! It feels good to have such a great group of friends that Matt and I trust our children with. Especially since we do not have family close by. Aunt Jessie if you are reading this hopefully we will have family close by soon??
Posted by Jenn at 9:13 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Wagon
Matt's parents got Anna a wagon for Christmas. We were having an inside day with no errands to run so I took her for a ride around the block. She loved it! I can't wait to use it with her little brother or sister. Maybe we will get to use it for Mardi Gras this year. In case you are wondering...yes, she rode the WHOLE WAY with that green thing in her mouth! I think it feels good on her gums. She puts it in her mouth as soon as she sees it and crawls around all day with it. Silly girl!
Posted by Jenn at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
C'mon Gimme Some Pie!
Anna would like a bite of Daddy's pie.
Daddy says no, and Anna is appalled at this response!
She decides to help herself.
Daddy gives in and gives her a bite...
And now Anna will beg for food. Anytime we are eating she comes over and wants to try it. We love that she wants to try new things, the problem is she doesn't want to eat the stuff we put on her tray in her seat. This afternoon for lunch I put green beans on her tray and she was heartbroken. She sobbed and threw them on the floor. We will have to keep trying. Unless it is cheese or pie on her tray she wants nothing to do with it!
Posted by Jenn at 11:38 AM 1 comments