Tonight we had a surprise baby shower for two of our friends Jess and Nikki. It was disguised as a "Girls Night Out". We had a lot of fun and it was so great to be able to shower our friends with gifts.

Here is everyone!
Here are all of the preggos that were there. From right to left we have: Rachel due in August; Kimberly due in July; Steph due in June with me; Jess due in February; Nikki due in January; and Amanda due Christmas Day (or sooner we hope!). Lots of babies to add to the playgroup and I know we still will have lots more babies to add in the future! It feels good to have such a great group of friends that Matt and I trust our children with. Especially since we do not have family close by. Aunt Jessie if you are reading this hopefully we will have family close by soon??
yeah!! just gotta find that job first!
Thanks again to everyone for the wonderful surprise! I still can't believe you all pulled that off! It was FABULOUS!
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