Friday, December 19, 2008

What a Week

Well, let's see where to begin?? Monday was an okay day.
Tuesday I took Anna shopping to get some last minute presents and when I got home I didn't feel so well. That night I woke up with the dreaded stomach virus. Matt had to stay home Wednesday to take care of Anna. Sometime in the mid morning hours he pops his head in the room to say "The water is off, don't flush." Umm...Eww? Thankfully it came back sooner rather than later!

Thursday I get myself together to bring Anna for her checkup and flu shot- Matt calls from work to say he is on his way home and not feeling well. Uh oh! We got home and sure enough he was in bed.

Friday I head back out to run errands and notice we have signs in the neighborhood saying "boil water until further notice". Hmm...I wonder how long that was up- you know since I have been feeding my daughter tap water in her bottles and all!! So I add water to the Target list and keep going. I get to Target and open the car door to get Anna out and she is covered guessed it-puke. GREAT!! It just wouldn't be right if the whole family didn't get it right? I think she is ok, she hasn't done it since then and is sleeping soundly thank goodness! So, anyway there are no pictures this week except the one Matt chose of him with the flu...

Have a great weekend everyone! We are going to Ohio for a few days to see family (I can't wait!!). So, hopefully there will be lots of pics to share after the holidays...