Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sam's 2 Month Check Up

Today Sam had his 2 month visit. I can't believe he is 2 months old already. Time flies when you are just trying to get through the day and praying to get SOME sleep at night! He weighed in at 12 pounds and is 23 and 1/2 inches long! 69th percentile for each. She said he looked great and he was smiling and cooing for her like crazy! I know I am biased, but he is the CUTEST little boy I have ever seen! He did not care for the shots and squealed very loudly!
Dr. P has us on the pricey formula, but so far it is worth every penny. He is sleeping much better at night and he is starting to lose some of his colicky tendencies. The doctor said she will start putting him back on his regular formula around 4 months, so not much longer! The doctors have been very generous in donating free samples to us every time we go so that helps. Mimi has also sent a little donation our way this week. Thank you Mimi!!
Sam is getting Baptized this weekend and we can't wait to see all of our family! Sam and Anna are very lucky to have Grandparents and a Great Grandparent coming to see them in a few days. That reminds me, I better go make his Baptism candle and start cleaning for company while Aunt Jessie is here this morning to help out. Stay tuned for more pics of Sam's weekend event!