Sam is 6 months old!! We go for the doctor visit later this week, but last week at the doctor he weighed in at 17 pounds!
He is eating from a spoon horribly, but loves pears, and squash.
He is usually happy despite the fact that he NEVER SLEEPS!!! We are up and happy at 5:30am EVERY morning. By "we" I guess I mean Sam!
He has been rolling front to back with no problem for a while, and is determined to crawl.
He is pretty mobile, much to my shock. Since five months he could pretty much get wherever he needed to be. Now he is a fast mover and must be watched AT ALL times. I see lots of bumps and bruises in his future- he has no fear!! He doesn't sit up well on his own yet. He has no interest in staying in one place, so why would he need to sit? Ugg.
Anna loves her "Sambo" most of the time, but was not at all thrilled to see him in HER highchair. She threw a big tantrum at Mimi's house the first time we put him in her seat.
She talks to him and he smiles and laughs. It is so fun to watch them together. I hope they will continue to be friends!
Matt and I are so proud of our kids! They are so cute and funny and they amaze us every single day. We are so lucky!
Sam looks so different in the second picture! I can't believe he's already six months old.
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