Thursday, January 7, 2010

Seven Month Sam...

Sam and I on New Years' Eve
Wow! Sam is seven months! He is doing great and even starting to sleep through the night, with a few pacifier runs of course! Matt and I think he is the CUTEST little boy we've ever seen, and he is happy all the time. He is always smiling and laughs very easily which makes up for his sleep issues!
He has 5 teeth, and is eating from a spoon like a champ (finally!). He is successfully moving off of the expensive formula and on to the cheap stuff. YIPPY!! I thought that day would never come.
He is crawling, sitting up, and pulling up with ease. I am not going to yippy that. He is IN TO EVERYTHING!! Things that Anna never found, like the pedal on the kitchen sink, Sam discovered long ago and plays with constantly.
He was 17 pounds at his 6 month check up, and I think he feels heavier every day. We'll see what the nine month check up brings!