Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Cow

So this week at school Anna has been having "Rodeo Fun". They talked about all the different animals and their sounds, they have been singing animal songs, making trail mix, all that fun stuff! Thursday the teacher brought in a rocking horse for the kids to play on. Anna LOVED it. She had to be removed from it and we left kicking and screaming all the way down the hall. It was so bad the teacher offered to load it into my car and let me take it home for the week! Can you tell she is a little spoiled by her teachers at school? It was sweet but I said no thank you! She needs to learn when it is time to go, it is time to go. So last night we went to Lupe Tortilla and there is this cow there that she HAD to ride. She really wanted it to rock, but she just couldn't get it to move! She had fun, and it wasn't as bad as the rocking horse episode when we had to leave.


Jessica said...

Too funny! Tell her we'll meet her at the park to "rock" on one of the toys soon!