Monday, September 1, 2008

Anna's Shoes

I decided to start putting shoes on Stinker every now and then. We put little booties on her for her Baptism and she spent the whole time trying to kick them off. She was not used to the feeling of something on her feet! I hit a sale at Dillard's and got her a couple of pairs. She kept them on for a while before kicking them off, they were cute! She is becoming quite the mover. I'll have to take video of her latest trick and upload it. I now put her on the floor to play and when I turn around she is on the other side of the room. My purse has become her destination of choice! Time to start putting it up high, along with everything else!


Sarah said...

too cute shoes!!! I love them! Also, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her picture that you sent last week! It is precious and now on my fridge! Looks like you guys are doing well...hope that your families are safe today!

Amanda said...

I LOVE baby shoes. I think Jake already has about 5 or 6 pairs... they are so tiny and cute.