Wednesday, September 3, 2008

She's Almost Got It!

First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANNY (Kari)!!!!! I know you won't see this for a while, but we are really sorry that you and baby Noah are without power right now. I know this is not how you wanted to spend your birthday. Because of these circumstances I will not make fun of how OLD you are today :)

Anna is almost crawling at a steady pace. She is definitely a girl who goes for what she wants. Her determination to crawl amazes us. She never gave up, it was getting painful to watch! She hasn't perfected the speed yet, but she can get around enough to give mommy a run for it!

On the hurricane front, things are not pretty! Our families back home are roughing it to say the least. The report we got today stated that the power could be out weeks. This is not good news! That is a very long time to go with no power. My poor Kari is 7 months pregnant and I'm pretty sure living with no power for the last few weeks of pregnancy was not on her list of things to try! We are praying that our families don't overheat, and we are praying that we can see them soon, and that everyone stays safe! Matt and I are considering bringing a load of stuff to Lake Charles this weekend if we can get close, but we have to be sure there is gas along the way for whoever comes to meet us. Everyone needs gas cans for the generators (and gas), and most of the stores that are open don't have a large supply of food at this point. My parents have requested a window AC unit and a loaf of bread! We may try to get it to them.


Doziers said...

She's got it down! She is so precious Jenn!