Tuesday, May 5, 2009

HOT!! and other updates...

Whew!! I am 4 weeks away from having this baby boy and being 20 degrees cooler!! Today playdate was at Kinley and Jaxon's house and we took the kids out to play. I have been inside for an hour now and it feels like I just came in. We had fun though- and I think Stinker is down for a good long nap :)

Out of everything there is to play with in the Coleman's backyard the hit was the tub of balls because there was water in it. Shocker!!

Anna did pretty good, but she still isn't thrilled about walking in grass. If she falls down she has to touch it and that is just no good. I don't know where she gets that from :) She is supposed to go for her 15 month check up next week, but I am thinking of cancelling it. She doesn't get shots and now just isn't a good time to take a healthy baby to the doctor and end up with swine flu!! We will just go at 18 months before she goes to school. She is really talking more and more these days. She says: Daddy, bubbles, baby, Mama, juice, duck, up, and shoes on a regular basis. If she is tired and you ask her if she would like to go night night she will walk to her room waving at us, stand in front of her crib and say "noo noo" which is noonie, and go to bed. She is very helpful as far as picking things up off of the floor and giving them to me. When it is just us at home she is pretty good at following directions. Her latest swat worthy action is poking Shelby in the eye. Although the last swat she got for it seemed to do the trick! Shelby has been very good with her. You would think a finger to the eye would be the final straw, but she just sits there and takes it. I think she secretly likes to see Anna get in trouble! Other than occasionally trying our patience Matt and I could not be more proud of our little girl. She amazes us every day, and we can't wait to see what new adventures Sam will bring to our family.
Baby Boy's room is looking better although the walls are bare. Still working on that. All of the furniture except the chair is in the room so if he decides to make an appearance before June 4th we are ready! The girls here had a night out/shower last week for me and a friend who is also having a boy. We got a lot of cute stuff. I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends here in my home away from home! Thank you everyone!!!